Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 18/Transfer Day

We just got back from the clinic (yay for traffic) and everything went great at transfer. They were running an hour behind, so the waiting wasn't fun, but not so bad. We transferred one early blastocyst and the other four were all still growing as of today and will be frozen tomorrow if they are still good quality, so we are still hopeful to have one or more make it to freeze to transfer in the future. They will send out a letter tomorrow so we probably won't know until early next week.

The next 10 days are probably going to draaaag by for me, but hopefully I can stay busy. Thanks again for all the love and support.

Here is our baby's first photo:

5 days old :-)


  1. I am so excited for you guys! I'm glad that everything went well and I can only imagine how tough the next 10 days will be. :) Praying for you!!!

  2. Wishing all the very best for this cycle! I have a very good feeling for you this time around. I hope you are staying sane during the waiting period. Not long now :)
